alice morrow - screw this, im Bored

2014-06-14 2

You sit and wait and wonder. You slop, you stop, you stare.
Why, oh why is there nothing to do, except gaze into thin air?

You read a novel you've read 3 times, You flip through the pages.
By now you've memorised the whole thing,
The words, the chapters, the stages.

You start to draw useless lines. Swirls, squiggles and dots.
Until you find something to amuse you, the colour of peoples socks.

You watch your class mates twitch. Wander, look around and fiddle.
You browse your mind for things to do, and come up with a riddle.

You look up when someone coughs, to take you away from your bore.
Then you start to notice the rips, on the carpet floor.

People passing notes to each other, full of gossip and chat.
You wander what they are about? But no, you stayed there and sat.

You search for something to do, You play with your jumper cord.
But finally you give up. Screw this! I'm Bored.

alice morrow