Kathryn Garner - as the memories dont fade

2014-06-14 3

And as I hold on some more
With mementos as what I live for
I listen to words in my head
They're proof I'm not yet dead
Stringing together dark lines
While living in those times
They just blow my mind away
Seems like its been forever
And yet… only yesterday

Yea, it hurts to take them out
But it temporarily kills your doubt
But I'll just lay in my sighs
While my body begins to die
And I laugh in my awe
Because in the shadows I just saw
Your sweet face yet again
I wonder where you've been...

It's okay to watch them kill it
Sure, it's okay to live in shit
I'll just hold tight to memories
Grasping them ever so tenderly
I'm falling into your eyes and lips
And I swear, I can almost feel your hips
And then I understand, take the pain away
But it'll always come back in another day

In all my lost commands
I forgot exactly where I stand
I wish sacrifice was enough
But forgiveness is far more tough
No, I'll just lay here dead
With the memories I've wed
Sure they're all in my head
But at least they're of what you said
Sure waking up is what I dread
Because that's when I realize
That these memories that I've bleed
They're still just in my head

It really sucks to remember
And I regret when I let it show
Though I lay in these embers
I can't let all this go
To forget sucks just as much
To relive the mistakes you made
But every time I remember your touch
Perhaps it's better if memories fade

Kathryn Garner


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