moments of sadness - pretense

2014-06-14 5

a very profound woman once said 'when someone shows you who they are, believe it' (that was Maya Angelou - for those not in the know)

well you showed me and i couldn't

you showed me again and i wouldn't

and i know that you had to be thinking

what more can i do to show her...

but to me it was all a blur

like when the paint brushes splash

and nothing is really there...

but everyone is clapping and cheering bravo

as if you've created something special, but the canvas may as well be bare

making something out of nothing

just a pretense

trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents

no one knows the pain and consequense

so again the pretense

trying once more to make a dollar out of fifteen cents...

like they say nothing from nothing leaves nothing

and zero plus zero equals zero

then i tried and i tried to make you my hero

but what i had refused to see

that the hero was within me

because you can only attract what you are

so, now i'm deciding to be a star

because the bottoms just ain't me

it took awhile for me to see

that i can't build you up nor can you me

and so i plant the seeds of the tree

so i can take root and just grow free!

joan charleston


mz luv joanz

moments of sadness