Margaret Alice - Get The Ice Princess To Dream

2014-06-14 6

You sometimes compliment me about my
appearance – but do you know what’s inside?
When I start to tell you, you take ten steps back,
no thank you, I don’t agree, no, you are wrong

No occult ideas, I don’t want to know… I respect
you, so you won’t get to know, I’ll say nothing
more, be at peace, watch your game, rugby war,
North and South, I’ll share my feelings and fears

With someone else, an older brother; a fairy elf,
a King of the North, read a book about Tesla,
Colin Wilson, anyone, I won’t trouble you…

Telling me I act just like my sister
you can’t stand the noise, ostensibly;
suits me fine, I’ll save energy by
being as dour as you, hold my own

counsel, get the Ice Princess to dream
of an evening gown - and the most
beautiful pair of glass slippers

Margaret Alice