Ted Sheridan - Gang Bangers

2014-06-14 3

Gang Bang Attacks...are in these days
Everyone gangs up on one or another
Cutthroat words like so many daggers thrown prevail
From which no one is safe or escapes being impaled
I however am more covertly orientated
Through past training I was taught to hold my tongue
Move not a muscle or twitch a nervous finger
Till that precise moment when corresponding shots are fired
Or the whites of my enemy's eyes are clearly seen
True is it that I prefer to smell fresh let blood
In first person rather than of the third
But there is a breaking point for every man
And it comes when the inane and reprehensible
Redundantly blatant attacks of an innate Pseudointellectual
May just be all any poetic executioner can stand
Can I get the congregation to give us a big double entendre


Ted Sheridan
