QalmeTari Misterres of Death Nat. Norville - I Am Alone (Part One)

2014-06-14 9

I am alone
In a world
Where my friends
Have left me.

I am alone
In a world
Where my best friend
Has left the school.

I am alone
In a world
Where my friends
Have lost understanding.

I am alone
In a world
That I have
No one to turn to.

I am alone
Lost forevermore
In a world
Where darkness hides.

I am alone
In a world
Felled with doubt and despair.
And no understanding.

I am alone
My best friend
Does not come.
I am alone.

I am alone
My best friend
Is lost to me
I am alone.

I am alone
She understood me
More than the rest.
I am alone.

I am alone
We understood each other
We went through the same things.
I am alone.

I am alone
Now that she is gone
The rest can not see
What she could.

I am alone
Now that she is gone
The rest can not see
That I am alone.

QalmeTari Misterres of Death Nat. Norville