Ted Sheridan - Is There A Doctor In Either House? (Washington Politics)

2014-06-14 11

So much of everything we eat, drink,
speak, hear, do or have done to us
is just a load of Bullshit?
I used to think myself better than most,
now it is all about who draws less flies.......
In truth you put me and anyone in a cage
for a month with no shower or soap
and you would be hard pressed
to tell the difference between us
The same thing could be said for politicians
stick them in a 'Beltway' bubble
and there is little or no difference
to the the length or extremes they will go
to deceive or betray the Country's interest
regardless of any party affiliations
In other words 'Do as we say....not as we do.....'

Dedicated to all anal retentive A holes....

©2007 The year of the PIG/ ted sheridan

Ted Sheridan
