Elena Sandu - True love exists

2014-06-14 18

A heart that skrinks
itself into a tiny cave
Covered in tears, fears
And regrets?

Such heart one day
May ring a bell
to open doors
of fullest place
which may exist
inside of self?

Might Loneliness
gift us a chance
offering time
to find plenty of ways
guiding the path
towards true freedom
and true love?

A soul is meant to break all ties?
Is the true freedom's food
plain loneliness and pain?

The badly broken heart
could it be no more stuck on one
in a tightly defined
space or time,
Doesn't heart need
to love everything
and everybody near and far?

Love needs to crawl
into a house between the walls
Or does it need to fly,
expand afar from earth,
to and between the stars?

Past present future then
could be nothing but lines
to be stepped over with heart
fully in charge?

The always busy brains
may have no idea how much
all of us are loved, my friends.
But our hearts already knows it.

One day we will all learn
that true love is not something
to be given, thrown away
or taken back
it just exists,
isn't it?

Elena Sandu
