john tiong chunghoo - Ode to the Umbrella

2014-06-14 6

what inspired this poem
is mary poppins, the caring
British governor who carries
under her little pink umbrella
her warmth and the creme
de la creme of life lessons
and flies children into
home sweet home

every umbrella it has
become a metaphor to
carry off that great task
to make children laugh
warm and hearty as the
summer sky

japanese and chinese
traditional lacquered umbrellas
do that job come rain or shine
they always carry the herons,
phoenix, a beauteous ancient fairy
in her flowing grace, or bamboos,
or the moon or any other folksy
auspicious drawings to drive
away tears or fears

even the emperor needs
umbrella for graces from the heavens
it was of first quality silk
yellow, and always with lithe
and steel scaled dragons
to shield him from misfortune
of any kind

the modern day umbrellas
they are collapsible, of plastic,
rayon, and usually plain
black, green, blue, purple
every colour given its
opportunity to shine

their job is carry away the sky
when it is not friendly, letting her
sun all out in the open

or giving her clouds so much
freedom they let out cats and dogs
leaping and gambolling into our gardens

the best umbrellas are
those large enough to
keep two star crossed lovers
away from the sights of gossipers
letting them kiss and only their
legs and clothes to keep us
guessing who they are

the umbrella too can be
that life saver, keeping away
the muggers, or that fierce dog
as old granny does her morning
round to tone up her days

john tiong chunghoo