Linda Winchell - 'Gold Fever'

2014-06-14 13

We are in a Gold Rush fever time
where our dollar isn't worth a nickle!
But gold and silver dollars are rising daily
while our economy is in a pickle!

Our Goverment has borrowed from Peter
to pay some guy named Paul.
Now Peter's become a pauper
And Paul is sitting on it all!

Will we ever turn this nation around?
Getting back to what really matters.
Or are we destine our History to repeat?
while the fat cats keep getting fatter!

Somethings got to give you know
tax payers have given more than their fare share.
While banks look for Goverment bail out plans
this kind of thinking is just unfair!

Is there really all that gold and silver
which we base our dollar from?
How stupid does our Goverment think we are?
Do they think we are that dumb?

Rise up yee mighty Nations people!
Let's take back what we have earned!
Has history not taught us anything?
about our corrupted Goverments lack of concern?

Linda Winchell

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