Samer Madbak - Poem 035: Alone… Without a God

2014-06-14 9

“Alone”… alone I want to be,
(For multitude is levity)
To shun a lawless silly strife
Aim after Nature, verdure rife
Is sheer anomaly in life
Yet it is not to me

“Alone”… I say’t convincèdly,
(For solitude is liberty)
Evading boisterous urban noise
Whisking away to rural joys
Are doltish deeds and petty ploys
Well, that is fine with me!

“Alone”… I shout alarmingly
To deaf ears of humanity
To live in rough sobrietye
To mock the world and wish to die
Is crime, in man’s societye,
But only grace to me.

“Alone”… I rave incessantly
While mortals simper icily
For he who won’t obey a rule
Who grudges being a supine tool
To them is some consummate fool
But no, he’s not to me.

“Alone”… I say it desp’rately
Perpetually… but bootlessly
Since all who heard my cry within
Considered it an abject sin
E’en God… He scornf’lly raised a chin
A haughty grin, and said to me:

“Alone! ! Alone? ? To hell with thee”
And spake He nevermore to me
And ever since that dismal day
The day He turned his face away
I never oped my mouth to pray
And this was mean depravity
To them… but not to me.

July 18th 1988

Samer Madbak

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