Denis Martindale - Maasai Country

2014-06-14 13

Across the hills, across the plains,
The Maasai people roam,
Sometimes to pause for short term gain,
Sometimes to build a home...
They hate our modern stress and strife
And flash technology,
They'd much prefer the simpler life,
The way life's meant to be.

Their vibrant coloured garments share
The fashion sense they own...
They have an independent air,
Such that they are well-known...
They fight for rights they still possess,
Just like all people do...
They want their share of happiness,
The old ways and the new.

What right have we to undermine
The ways they've lived for years?
What right have we to think it's fine
To bring their children tears?
So live and let live, that's my stance,
Our world is theirs as well...
Together we all stand a chance,
Each with a tale to tell...

Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2011.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Maasai Country'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Denis Martindale