Francis Duggan - All Eagles Are Large Birds Of Prey

2014-06-14 9

All eagles are large birds of prey they usually kill to eat
Though like vultures do from carrion they eat the rotting meat
They cannot digest seeds or grain they soar in light of day
Above the landscape gazing down on their look out for prey.

In most species of eagle the female larger than the male don't ask me why this should be
The workings of Nature to know of too big a thing for me
Though those with degrees in Natural Sciences such things try to explain
The secrets of our Earth Mother to herself she does retain.

Though of the workings of Nature they know far more than me
On the ways of her many species most scientists disagree
And I who have been in love with her for more than half of a century
Can only gaze in wonder at the marvels that I see.

Like a pair of wedge tail eagles in the calm morning sky
So beautiful to watch them they hover as they fly
So close at times their wings seem almost touching so beautiful in flight
In Nature every day we live one more amazing sight.

Francis Duggan