Justin Reamer - Inchoation

2014-06-14 1

It has been a long time,
A very long year with its ups and its downs,
And yes, the year may have been rough,
And the times may have been hard,
And life may have been difficult,
But there is still hope for all of us,
If we are all to have a little faith
And to show each other a little love,
For there is still hope for all of us.

The year has come to an end,
And a new beginning has come,
For Janus has swept us off our feet and
Has brought us a new time in which we
Can grow and cherish our memories
With one another,
Or wrong and lament the ways of our past.
Good things can happen and
Bad things can happen,
Either way it is meant to be,
But what happens is what we decide,
And we can make what of it whatever we want.
Since we have a new beginning,
We should not let it waste,
For let us make life better,
Improve it,
And continue to do the best we can.

Justin Reamer
