Francis Duggan - People I Knew

2014-06-14 1

People I knew from years ago are sick and dying which truly saddens me
But that to me a reminder of my own mortality
The clock on my life is ticking as it ticks for everyone
And I won't be remembered for the things I've said and done

Not to me that it will matter when to the Reaper I have gone
I am just another number and life it will go on
Those who think that they cannot be done without their own selves only deceive
But having said that we believe what we only want to believe.

Some people I knew from years ago and younger or older than me by a few years
Are past all feelings and all cares and past laughter and tears
Some of them buried in the Hometown cemetery and more lay further away
And I'm left to remember them though time has left me gray

Some people I know from years ago I never more shall see
But of all cares and worries one might say they are free
We had our youth we had our prime and time for none does wait
And the Reaper who claimed the life from them for me too has set a date.

Francis Duggan