Margaret Alice - Religion: Bombs Falling, Voices Calling

2014-06-14 9

Took a stroll through a Christian bookshop,
saw a book admonishing all to be disciples,
not simply “Christians”

A novel about a forty-year old Methodist
preacher divorcee still having to sermonize
while she lost the ability to pray -
until she meets a boyfriend

Another single Methodist preacher who finds
his childhood sweetheart on the beach, both
of them scarred by life – oh my goodness,
thank heaven I never wanted to become
a Methodist preacher

Another story of the Jewish jihad – holy war
in Jerusalem, bombs falling - voices calling:
Where be thee God; Open Your Eyes, These
Are Free-Wheeling Humans, God said

An allegory about a broken pot called
“Beloved” who is restored and visits
heaven’s library – what a romp,
completed by Maxwell’s advice
on leadership

According to his guidelines on integrity
it seems to me all the good leaders
are in heaven already, only the
bad ones are left here on

Margaret Alice