Francis Duggan - John Howard Should Have

2014-06-14 1

John Howard should have apologized to Indigenous Australians for wrongs of Australian Governments of decades gone by
But the sorry word for him just proved too hard to say so he left the chance pass him by,
John Howard should have signed the Kyoto agreement on climate change but he did not like that idea
Though his Environment Minister begged him to do so he choose for to ignore his plea
Whether it was out of stubborness or lack of foresight or out of respect for George W Bush his good mate
What he has refused to do his successor Kevin Rudd has done one might say he has left it too late
John Howard committed Australian troops for to fight in Iraq to George W he could not say no
Though Iraq now more troubled and so much worse off than it was a decade ago
Kevin Rudd is about to withdraw Aussie troops from Iraq as he said he would do all along
As P M Howard successfully played wedge politics for many years but in the end for him it all went wrong,
John Howard was Prime Minister for more than eleven years one might say he did have his day
He'd like to retain power 'til the day that he die but the voters on that had their say
The voters for years who had voted him in eventually him did unseat
To the younger and glamorous Maxine McKew he met with a humbling defeat.

Francis Duggan

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