Another Suyam-Varam
Dhamayanthi told the Brahmin,
“Go to Ayodhya again.
Tell them, we’ve once more,
Having Suyam-Varam here.”
Suyam-Varam tomorrow
To Ayodhya the Brahmin went
And told, “Here I’m sent
To inform, by tomorrow certain,
Suyam-Varam will go again.”
What to do?
The king who heard,
The Brahmin’s word,
Asked his charioteer
“How to go there?
It was evening by then.
Next day is the function.
Within these few hours
How to reach there?
Can it be talked?
Nalan said, “She’s a woman,
Having no mind for another man,
How can such a chaste woman
Even talk of any other man? ”
The King told Nalan
“On the last occasion
Her garland fell on Nalan.
It should have been mine,
When it was thrown.”
Nalan’s worry
“Is she trying to find me out?
Like this, never in the past,
A talk of this kind arose
But now why it goes? ”
Realised his duty
Nalan realised his duty.
He kept the chariot ready
With good galloping horses
To reach the spot in hours.
(Suyam Varam = A princess
chooses her own prince
among the invited
for her wedding.)
Rajaram Ramachandran