Joseph Enright - youth

2014-06-14 2

In the stillness of the night
I lie and think of days gone by,
Of carefree youth and games we played
Mountains climbed and seas we sailed,
In cowboy games we rode the range,
Distressed damsels we did save
Raging rapids we survived,
Conquered blazing forest fires
Paper chase and rounders played
Football goals always saved.

The days of youth quickly pass
Cruel world we face at last
Working days, come and go
Tempus fugit...theres the blow.
As the years they unfold
Watching friends growing old
Many more they have died
We pray theyre at Gods side

Now in my death bed I do lie
I pray my angel is nearby
To whisper gently in my ear
To help me througt my final fear.....

Joseph Enright