Michael Gale - Sad Songs Of The Heart, Weep And Sob.

2014-06-14 63

Sad songs of the heart weep and sob....
Heart-ache in pain to happy thoughts steal and rob.

How can we go on happy go lucky all through life? ...
Where do the turns in life end in strife?

Sad nested cries we weep...
Unanswered lies we sweep.

Under our carpeted, live-in closet...
Temper's struck-that we've lossed it.

Hell hath no fury as that of an evil'ed angered lady...
Look up and clear'ed as we bid fon farewell and bade.

Gravely we send off and unsoftened heart...
Tomb stoned and cluttered, spread earth'd, apart.

Body input deep to grave...
Man's turn to address, man's maddening, madness unbrave.

Death, in the end comes well about...
Death eats us up, hoof, cheek in snout.

Alas, alas death be beneath us all...
Death be our only call.

Michael Gale
