Si tired,
So cold.
I'm freezing in ice,
Will I die or live.
This world is a lie,
All of you will die.
Humans are not true,
All these fateful lies.
They know not what is wrong,
They know not what is right.
We all hide behind masks,
No one see the real us.
We fear what we do not know,
Like magick andmy god Zeus.
The Romans knew right,
They knew of the truth.
Aries, Hera, Athena,
Aphrodite and Hades,
Apollo and Aradia.
These are only a few,
Of the beings I know.
They are our leaders,
Our masters and lords.
They created us,
And they can take us.
God is not real,
Buy my Gods are.
Not only the Pomans,
But the Celtics and more.
The world is a goner,
For thos who don't believe.
And for the few that do,
Paradise we will live.
We are honored,
And we are loved.
My Gods and Goddesses,
My masters and my friends.
They are our lords,
You may just die.
It is up to my Gods,
They can give or can take.
You do not own your life,
That is for three Goddesses.
And those Goddesses are,
The Goddess of fate.
Brianna Wilshusen