Paula Robinson - The Short Life Of Love

2014-06-14 3

I can’t describe the trepidation that I felt
The words pouring from your lips were cause for my heart to melt
Showering attentions and affections day and night
You were seated on the pedestal reserved for Mr Right

“I love you! ”
“I love you more! ”
Endearments to and fro
Pleading for a few more moments, “Do you have to go? ”
“I’ll miss you! ”
“I’ll miss you more”
Tomorrow’s a new day
The dawning of another morn will send your love my way

The days and months and years tick by
There’s no slowing of the time
A lifetime of togetherness
Our hearts became entwined

Familiarity breeds contempt, so the saying goes
Dishonesty and mistrust were the breeding of our woes
Love became our emperors’ clothes throughout the years
Hurt and misery became the founder of my tears

“I hate you! ”
“I hate you back”
Insults to and fro
Sneering for a few more moments, “Don’t you have to go? ”
“Damn you! ”
“Damn you more! ”
Tomorrow’s a new day
The dawning of another morn will take the hurt away

Paula Robinson