As i walked silently down the couthouse steps...
Ever to be careful not to be discovered by
other outward prying eyes.
I did not want my presence known by those rogue CIA agents from the west...
What was i thinking coming here so soon after the interrogation from last thursday?
Knowledge of my where abouts could lead to another catastrophic world war...
We all know that wars are not wanted or needed.
The transduecer receiver would have to wait until the day after tomorrow...
Her eyes were as like cold pools of the bluest blues.
Had she noticed my being there at the convention of inventions? ....
'Surely not', i think to myself?
For what is the free world without the master spy Gustauffet the third? ...
This other counter intelligence female spy has to be kept out in the dark until convention's end.
I must remain behind to meet my secret contact...
If i can do that My mission will be a greater success.
Those mass weapons of destruction must be my country's very own property...
The saftey of the world and it's freedom is were meant for America from beginning to end.
For what is the world without guaranteed freedom? ...
What indeed?
I must hurry back to my hotel room to plan my final afront on
the Iranian Embassy before morning's awakening stirmotions.
Michael Gale