Bob and Alex Eichen - The Banner Knight VI To Win True Love

2014-06-14 1

Behold the mighty Banner Knight, killing on the field!
Hacking all his foes to bits, commanding them to yield.
See his gallant mastery of sword and spear and shield.
Watch his foes fall, one by one, behold their fates are sealed!
He comes to kill and kill and kill, he comes to win the day.
He means to win fair maiden's hand, to do this, come what may.
He fights like mighty juggernaut, his muscles, iron taut.
His motto, only God do fear, all others he dreads not.
The princess is the prize he seeks, fairest beauty of the land.
To win her he will kill and kill, just to win her hand.
But to do this he must defeat the champions of many lands.
There's Ogier and Oliver and Cyranno De Grande.
There's Roland, Arthur and Sir Bors, There's Sigfried and Sir Gawain.
There's Frederich and Ganelon and Havelock the Dane.
There was Parsival and Heinrich and William the Vain.
Fell Charles Martel and Lancelot and even Charlemaigne,
One by one he killed them all, one by one he watched them fall.
Every hero, every knight, the spectators he did enthrall.
And when the tournament was through, and when the killing done,
alone he stood upon the field, out in the blazing sun.
The Banner Knight had won the day, the prize, the Princess, royal.
Forever they to be as one, no love would be more loyal.
And o'er the years when challenge came, and brave men came to battle,
The Banner Knight would ride afield and slaughter them like cattle.
The Banner Knight for his true love, would give up limb and life,
He'd hack and kill and sacrifice, all his blood for his good wife.

Bob and Alex Eichen