Phyllis Wong - Tell Me, Mother

2014-06-14 3

I know you’ve found a place,
much better than where,
we lived as family in warm embrace -
so why is my heart still bleeding to care?

I know you’ve found new friends there,
whose company you gladly share,
like those days when we stood for each other -
so why do I still yearn for you hither?

I know happy memories should suffice,
and I’ve them aplenty,
of moments you touched me deeply -
so why for more do I still crave and insist?

I know you lived a good life of seventy-three,
as a mother and teacher you nurtured me,
you were my clutch to trudge over difficulties -
so am I selfish to wish you live seventy-four or more?

I know you still love me - deep and tender,
but deeper and tenderer is my love for you, my mother,
I wish I had said it many times over when I should -
tell me mother, it’s not too late - show me how I could.

Phyllis Wong