Sweet lonely Death
Please take me with you
I am no longer welcome among the living
I am shunned
I am secluded
I am alone
Loving cold Death
Take me away
Away from this stupidity
This selfishness
This materialistic world
I no longer want to be part of this world
This overpopulated, closed minded, stupid world
These morons buy into what they’re taught
They buy into all these lies and are clouded from the truth
My heart aches and bleeds with pity
Pity and depression for our Mother Earth
My eyes leak in pain and remorse
I long to fix, to revive our world
But it is declining at a rate we cannot stop
We cannot reverse
We cannot undo the injustice we have provoked
We need to open our eyes
Open our hearts, our minds, and our souls
WE are the problem
And only we all can be the solution
Elysia Palmer