Barry Van Allen - First Love

2014-06-14 14

I know you didn't want it,
and by the way I didn't ask,
but, I admired you back then,
... you never knew.

I knew I never had a chance with you,
I kept it to myself,
just friends, I guess,
but, every song I ever heard,
was all about you!

I had a ' crush ', and I was crushed,
when he was kissing you,
and I should have gotten over that,
- - - I never did.

Yes, I moved on - - -
that's what we do as human beings,
but... the first crush, and the first love,
is something that we never will forget.

The investment was the heart,
and the soul was even harder,
- - - in looking back, it's not that much,
- - - but, it was everything back then.

The one that thinks she was ' my first ',
- - - at least in caring,
was maybe second , at the best,
though, in other ways ' the first '.

To some, it's more important ,
to be the first in certain things,
and I never will forget those,
' Other Things '!

I know you didn't want it,
and by the way, I never asked,
but, I still think of you quite fondly,
... without permission.

Only one of us will ever know,
who these words are written to,
and if you think that it is you,
- - - I will deny that!

Barry Van Allen