It was Ninety - one today,
but, I still feel lucky,
It was One with Two Big Zeros,
where my uncle is.
Worse than that,
the air was thick,
I could have coated it with paint,
- - - Are you sure that Willis Carrier,
- - - is NOT a saint?
We may be headed for a record breaking year,
we are well past half - way there,
Ninety - six in August,
Ninety - Four in late September,
Ninety - Two into October!
The ' Great White North ',
is very brown these days,
Global warming does not work,
because we only set a couple of new records.
They put the blame on orbital anomalies,
they put the blame on S.U.V.'s,
I've heard them put the blame on the guy six doors away,
El Nino and El Nina,
- - - They equally make imperfect sense to me!
Some years it's just hot,
some years it's just not,
some years we forgot that it was neither.
Some years we get more snow,
and some years, hardly any,
most years in between,
but, I have noticed ,
that as the need for news has grown,
along with ' All News ' networks,
... the weather's getting yearly,
... more severe!
Barry Van Allen