If I were not American,
I would be proud to be Canadian,
I love everything about them,
although; they would toss me out,
because, I'm not a Hockey fan.
The Blue line and the Red line,
to me means ' Icing ' - - -
and the only time I buy it - - -
is when the ' Home' team gets a chance,
... to kick a ' Home - Run '!
... OR a ' Hole - in - One '!
If it were up to me...
- - - I would throw my ass out too,
- - - just for being stupid!
If I were not American,
I would be proud to be Canadian,
I love everything about them,
what a great place to call ' Home '.
A little cold,
a touch of gold,
brave and bold,
and nobody to be messed with!
These people threaten no one,
they just ask to be left alone,
it doesn't work like that, of course,
NOT on the U.S. Northern border,
they are in it to the bone!
... and they know it!
You will never find a better people,
on the face of this green earth,
than Canadians to take a stand,
for all that they are worth!
I am proud to be American,
and I am proud to be a Friend,
of the Northern ' Wild, Fantastic ' people,
that we call Canadians!
Barry Van Allen