jennifer killian - The Cure

2014-06-14 0

The leaves are swirling, swirling, swirling
Round and round
Uncontainable joy
The sun peaks in and out
of this shower of Fall
I close my eyes
And I am everywhere
I am with you
I am without you
The sounds are beautiful, weaving in and out, I am dizzy
The warmth of the people around me thrill me
We are different
We are the same

Oh, no
It's coming
it ruins everything
I am sick
I am nauseous
Please make it stop please please please
No, not again
I need a pill, something

Maybe, I need to turn my head
And see you there
Perhaps my mind would clear then
Perhaps the pain would subside, lift out of my torso in which it is feeding
And dissipate like an explosion of a million tiny, lovely little lights
Falling softly on our beautiful faces

jennifer killian