Started the day by crying, the nightingale
isn’t there, I’ve looked everywhere, a guru
says think positive thoughts and your
feelings will become positive too
I thought how beautiful the pink clouds
at sunrise, how wonderful to have kind
colleagues; yet my headache didn’t go
away, I am not able to
Reach friends who seem to be drowning,
there is nothing I can do, nothing but filling
in forms and reading complaints about the
Muslims trying to clear the world of sin
The only way to do this is blowing up this
universe; Muslims are very bored, always
looking for a cause to go to war, still the
world knows population surplus
Healthy people try to die by visiting doctors
for a fatal-illness diagnosis, reading news-
papers assiduously to see if they can create
the very same symptoms
Dan Winter claims young people prefer dying
in an attempt to experience bliss, rather than
living long, boring lives; religion offers bliss,
much more exciting than sitting in an office
I’d much rather go fight an exciting jihad than
reading boring documents, maybe I should
apply for a war-time post and send infidels
to their grave – oops, I’m an infidel too
But that doesn’t matter, I’m a very spiritual
infidel and would build the morale of the
troops – much better for my morale than
manning an office, dreaming of James Bond
Coming to save us from living death!
Margaret Alice