“quantum effects cause space-time to convulse wildly
the fabric of space-time becomes grainy - made of
tiny units like pixels”
“the graininess of space-time is discernable”
Holograms on credit cards are etched on
two-dimensional plastic films – light
bounces off them, recreating a 3-
dimensional image - the same
principle applies to the
whole universe
Everyday experience is a holographic
projection of physical processes
taking place on a distant,
2-dimensional surface
The holographic principle rules out
other approaches to quantum gravity,
boosting both matrix theory and string theory
Ultimately, it indicates
how space-time emerged
from quantum theory
[Some lines quoted directly from the article and
poetic license used in summarizing the salient
points. I like considering the implications of living
in a holographic universe and share the scientific
evidence on which the theory of such a universe
is based.]
Our world may be a giant hologram
15 January 2009 by Marcus Chown
Magazine issue 2691. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
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From issue 2691 of New Scientist magazine, page 24-27.
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http: //www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126911.300-our-world-may-be-a-giant-hologram.html? full=true
Margaret Alice