Alison Mary Dunn - My Friend the Ghost

2014-06-14 5

Sleeping beauty lays eternal
My friend the ghost forever now
You chose to slip beyond the veil
In search of peace and peace you found

You quickly jumped outside the frame
into a world just out of sight
Though I still see you in the day
and in the blackened room at night

My eyes they failed to see the dark
A loss of sight, my vision blind
So very fragile was your soul
And deeply troubled was your mind

Dear friend take pity on me
For I did not hear your tears
Though they rained on my pillow
so many nights, spelling out your fears.

So let us dance between these plains
Connecting stronger than before
And through the barriers unite
All worldly laws and rules ignored

Lets step inside each others souls
Wherein translation speaks in code
Breathe into me and I to you
A voice so deep it forms an ode

Please take me closer to this place
For on my own I don’t know how
Show me a way to bring you near
My friend the ghost forever now

To my dearest friend Emily
22nd Feb ‘08

Alison Mary Dunn