Margaret Alice - I Am Going Nuts

2014-06-14 15

Commit Suicide In Religious Ecstasy

It is useless to hope on the Return of our Lord
or the joy of Ascension to get out of this horrible
work, now I must translate a water document
that I don’t want to and have always looked forward to
religious events to save me from earthly pain
yet even reading the Bible is in vain, the work never
goes away and once again I must translate boring
documents just marginally better than the two
French Pesticides that I still have to attend to
and still no damn Ascension and no Second Coming
and I can’t go on this way…
I shall have to meet my Maker halfway and commit
suicide in religious ecstasy because this boring life of
frustration and strive is too much for me and the
one-eyed Cyclopian Troll Interpol still demands their
pound of meat and I wanted to spin straw into gold but
lo and behold, am presented with papers so dry even hell
would be better and since Rumpelstiltsken is not coming either
neither is Godot and Karen Supervisor wants to check my work
I am going nuts and will run out of here crying…

Margaret Alice

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