The trophy wife says,
'I love it,
I love it,
I love it! '
Each syllable of each one
more pronounced than the previous,
nor do I believe her at all
even with her artificial
fist-pounding the air attitude
trying to convince this fat world
that her contribution
having been removed
can and will make a difference;
so, she addresses a USA network
forty times a day, every day and night
that losing weight her way is right
for ten bucks a day
and two weeks, count 'em, fourteen free
when two phuchs a day
would do as well, count on it, for me
nor can I easily remember without acronyms
what in hell a glycemic advantage is
except that one word has to do
with sugar-coating the problem
and it all has to do with intaking of fodder
or some other slop gotten for less
than their three hundred bucks a month
and the competition scowls at their ads
promoting their own make-yer-own-ass
skinny like mine, she says, the trophy wife,
to the planet Obesus as it grinds its orbit
with all its inhabitants clinging on
with fat talons to their bowflex
rubber maids searching for any advantage
when all they had to do, really,
is keep the fridge closed
and their yapping mouths shut
and hunt their own advanage
away from omnipresent and ubiquitous
USA and TBS ads.
Lorenzo Costigliolo