Little silver gull hop up near me looking for hunger quenching bite
And the poor half starving fellow has a great big appetite
But I don't have food to give him sorry little bird I say
Though I'll be back here tomorrow with some bread to give away.
He hops to me a bit closer I've a paper in my hand
And he thinks I'm going to feed him and he doesn't understand
When I don't throw him a crust of bread or little piece of meat
Little silver gull he feels hungry and he badly needs to eat.
Half of his right leg missing for the creature I feel sad
How did this happen poor sea bird? better luck you might have had,
How did part of your leg get cut off poor thing you must have suffered pain?
And though your wound has healed perfectly your handicap with you remain.
He sat on the ground close to me with self sympathetic look
Little bird I cannot feed you this time you are out of luck
Then he stood up on his one leg flapped his wings and off he flew
As if to say if you don't feed me then it's go to hell to you.
Francis Duggan