elysabeth faslund - Hey Everybody! ! ! Crash-Asshole...Part 2

2014-06-14 18

I'll be doggoned! ! !

Ole crash-idiot-
No talent, Scooby Doo
drooling fool
Done made a mistake this
afternoon! ! ! !

This genderless freak done gone
And left about 200 poems'
votes untouched...

Alzheimers? Lobotomy? Or maybe
Dog got a bo-bo on his
crashing finger....AWWWWWW!

Hey! Dog...I got a finger you can use!
Come get it...oh, that's right...
ain't got the guts.......

Don't fret none...that finger will ALWAYS
be where you can see it....

Look close! See it? Of course you do!
Anytime you need it, come get it,

elysabeth faslund


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