Turn around only twice in her life...
Don't look when she rides her first bike...
And last, on her wedding day...turn
Away quickly after you've kissed her.
'What ifs' will haunt you,
So close your eyes...
Return to the family album, because
You can't remember that smile when
She held her first skates...
Only the bruises mama couldn't fix...
Only you.
You've got her first shoes...she has your
You've got her heart...she has your eyes.
Got the prom dress she left behind...
In a quilt sewn by Aunt Emily.
The Cowardly Lion still exists for her...
You're her hero.
She caught a fish...
You fried the inch-long thing.
A boy came by...
You hated him.
First curlers...first fright.
Someone made daddys to watch over
To watch over daughters.
elysabeth faslund