Don’t worry I’m still here
I just had a lapse in judgment
But now it’s an afternoon delight
What is that you ask?
Am I alright?
But of course
I am absolutely great
Can you believe it?
I gave up drinking
No more for me
I learned my lesson this time
After that last stupid stunt
Playing Russian roulette with my handgun
I now can see how ridiculous my actions were
Now if you will excuse me for a bit
I have some unfinished business
That needs tending to
Yes I will call you later
Lunch tomorrow would be great
What a bunch of morons
Only they would swallow
The shit that comes out of my mouth
But I will make them understand
Printed here on this note is clearly stated
How much I am enjoying letting go
If only they will be able to read it
Through my alcoholic tainted blood
C.R. Ebowski