Kavitha Krishnamurthy - True identity

2014-06-14 17

Who am I really? What is my true identity?
Had god blended my character in right proportion while creating me?
Or had the characters been forged in the mould of the world?
A set of masks suiting each show
My true face seems missing amidst these camouflages
A chameleon changing colour to fit with the milieu
Is it for fear or for the survival?
Is the true self a victim of destiny?
And do i need these sheathes for the endurance?
Is the true self getting warmth from the shielding swathes?
And though safeguarded outside, am I dwindling inside?
As time proceeds, would my true identity also become a faked mask?
Muddled up with these personalities, where has my true identity gone?

Kavitha Krishnamurthy
