David S Dennis - (73) This Life Has Broken Down

2014-06-14 3

This life, this vehicle for happiness has broken down
I flipped the hood and had a poke around
It all LOOKS ok, no loose wires, no bits out of whack
There’s petrol, water, oil and the battery isn’t flat
It’s something more mysterious than that

It’s as if the thing has caught a strange disease
Or developed a condition like a self immune disorder
When I jump inside and turn the key
All I get is chugga chugga chug as it turns over
But not a spark of happiness. It just wont go

But I detect a hint of shimmer like a star gate
And some time distortion too
So I wonder if a nuts and bolts repair is called for
Or something metaphysical will do
A soul replacement maybe but I don’t know where to find it
I’m really up the creek without a clue

Perhaps I should take a course at TAFE
“Life and Happiness Maintenance” 101
Take some guidance from the experts
Make a study of it, guided introspection might be fun
Get absolutely self absorbed
Forget all about the world except for that

Or I could sit and write a poem
Leave the wreck or give it to some worthy cause
Here you are this broken life is yours
Spend it doing good deeds if you can
It used to move me
It once was loved
It isn’t any more

David S Dennis
