Nyrical Poet - Life Long Drug

2014-06-14 0

Lucid thoughts drip upon my mind
Tingling chills throughout my spine
Goose bump raise from head to toe
High as a bird as my body glows
My heart beats faster as my thoughts spin
Butterflies fluttering around from within
For you my sweets, a drug to me
The true love of my life, feeling ecstasy
Nothing to compare to this sensation
This is far more than just an infatuation
Love is an addition that you cannot cure
Nor would I want to make this a blur
Without you here, I start to shake and tremble
Cold sweats in my sleep, my tears are mournful
For you are my best friend, you are my love
The feelings you give me is like a constant drug
Always to be high, without any chemicals
You are my life, for that I will always be grateful......

Nyrical Poet
