Trevor Schulte - JesusFreak

2014-06-14 5

My heart grows faint
as my faith slips away
no longer is my willingness
to kneel down and pray
All the hope which I had put
into the umbrella of You
has become transparent
as if your Son, were only a jew
Where is the passion
that defined who I am
why has my life's devotion
seem to have become a sham
If only I could continue to embrace
this unfailing grace
not losing my place
but just resetting my pace
I know that the Lord
will always be the same
with His glory surpassing
the title we proclaim
Lord, strike me with reality
readjusting my mentality
to the notion that no matter how I feel
you overcame fatality
You touched the Heavens
for three measly days
rising up from the dead
to affirm righteous praise
Oh, what I would surrender
to embrace You so tender
and be brought to my knees
humbled by your splendor
What I have always felt
is that I am forever blessed
but please just grant me
this final request
Lord, reshape my praise
into a never failing shriek
proving to the others
that I'm a 100% JesusFreak!

Trevor Schulte