Leria Hawkins - I Understand 'Fantasy'

2014-06-14 7

Will there ever be a place in your heart
Or is this thing, just fire and sparks
A burn that's held me, decades long
How can it flame, and still be wrong

If not for love, then just for spite
I'll hold on with my dying might
You cannot rip this love from me
I'll hold it tight, you wait and see

Midnight finds you in the burn
Sleep won't come, you toss and turn
Up at two, you still can't sleep
You fry the wires, ‘stead counting sheep

I'm not angry, won't make demands
I've simply failed to understand
What keeps you coming back for more
When you don't understand what a heart is for

Countless times, I've tried to break free
But your iron clad grips gotta hold on me
Why not just let me slip away
No debt is due, no price to pay

What keeps you tied to my life
When my whispers cut you like a knife
I guess its luck that you can't bleed
Or feel the grief you've given me

No tenderness, no promises made
Why carry on this masquerade
Take off your mask and face the truth
My heart's the only one you use

Baby, I can love, without your songs
I've loved you for so very long
But I understand this fantasy
And that's all this love will ever be

Copyright © 2012 Leria Hawkins, All Rights Reserved

Leria Hawkins


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