Jordan Legaspi - The word 'NO'

2014-06-13 4

Two letters to form ‘NO’
Word with different meaning
of change or tolerance
For what ever it means to you;
‘NO’ can be a refusal or can be a chance
for something or for someone
That concerns you and me in any ways
That for whatever reasons
of the word ‘NO’ for me and for you;
Well I guess I have a clue
It might be positive, or might be negative
or perhaps its nothing just ‘NO’;
Again ‘NO’ this is something
That makes a big difference
of saying it in different time and place;
To handle this two letters ‘NO’
Well, I think I know but sure this is ‘NO’
of what I mean it
Because ‘NO’ is what I am searching to know
for me to say ‘NO’ or to ask why ‘NO’

Jordan Legaspi