As the embers of the wrenching memories fade away
As the evening star falls from grace
As the intoxication of the beloved's moon disappears in the day
As the Sun scorches with his face
She breaks into a frenzied laugh
Laugh of madness
Laugh of pain
When the morning rays pierce her lonely heart
When the moonlight enters her wreathing breast
When her whole being laments from each part
When her world is sinking in her small nest
She breaks into a piercing cry
Cry of longing
Cry of loss
As a distant door shuts yet another opens
As the grieving night breaks into twilight
As the snake sheds the old and dons a new skin
As the blind gets bedazzled with divine light
She understands in a flash
Life reawakens
Life renews
Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean