Don't hurt anyone be gentle and kind
And always try in your way to find
How you can spread this precious gift
To give other's spirit a brighter uplift
Show a little mercy to those in grief
And try in your way to bring them relief
And see how you can spread this gift
To give other's spirit a brighter uplift
And help all who are stuck in a trial
And try in your way to make them smile
And see how you can spread this gift
To give other's spirit a brighter uplift
And help all who mope
And try in your way to bring them hope
And see how you can spread this gift
To give other's spirit a brighter uplift
And when you'll do all this dear
Then God will also show his care
And will bestow his mercy specially on you
With the true gift of joy and happiness hue.
Seema Chowdhury