dancing down the sidewalk
listening to my iTunes
lookin' down at all the chalk
and up at the stars and Moon.
watching all the cars
polluting the air
wondering how far
and knowing they're going somewhere.
thinkin about the upcoming school year
and about hanging out with my friends
and about senior year tears
and knowing i'll miss Kaneland.
drama is for high school
it lives for broken hearts
learning every guy is a fool
and they rip hearts apart.
it's all about the new style
and like, getting popular
getting sucky times on the mile
and staying away from the nerd
cell phones always out
texting the best friend for life
while singing my life, by no doubt
and counting highschool fights
going through different phases
trying out each one
eating every flavor of pez
and having a bunch of fun
when high school is over
i'll miss it more than infinity
wishing on four leaf clovers
that i can be back in my old desk seat.
Lauren Meredith Gould