So many lessons, life has taught me,
so many little joys, life has brought me,
I have learnt there is no substitute in life, for love,
love for your dear ones, fellow beings and God above.
I have learnt to live, let live, and not be judgemental,
to each his own, making comparisons is detrimental,
I have learnt with suffering, that health is really wealth,
exercise daily lavishly, and eat sparingly, with stealth,
Riches dont bring happiness, and greed brings more greed,
a comfortable life with hard earned money is all that we need,
kindness to fellow humans, and humility brings you respect,
a smile is easier, than arrogance to accept,
I have learnt, the value of family, the joy of good friends,
I have learnt, money destroys relationships, the crack never mends,
I have learnt the joy of giving, and making people feel loved,
I have learnt saying sorry, gets many an issue resolved,
I have learnt happiness is within you, and not in anything outside,
what we spend a lifetime looking for, does within us in reality abide
I have learnt, life comes full circle, you have to pay for all your sins,
if you do good, youll be the winner, for goodness always wins.
I have learnt to savour every minute, every facet of life
that moment will never come back, be it happiness or strife,
I have learnt many lessons, from difficult times as well,
times that you thought, were worse than any hell,
life is a great teacher, and we all must have the will to learn,
take heed of each lesson, it teaches you, or forever we will yearn.
Arti Chopra