2014-06-13 7

Darling, you gave me butterflies...the ones that lets me know that my name will always be safe inbetween your lips, The ones that have given me a place to call home whenever we embrace.
Lover, oh how you make me smile, that cheerful glee that radiates at the sound of my name discreetly whispered ever so softly from your lips.
Whenever you playfully sing the songs that only you will sing...joking I always reply 'Lover, please don't ever do that again...' But really inside i smile, because it's those little moments that make me realize how much you truly love me.
Darling, you gave me butterflies, not the ones that fly and flutter...but the ones that makes me wonder what are you doing in the moments that we are not together...the ones that'll make me kiss your forehead so grently...So lover where ever you are just know your butterflies were gently unwrapped and thankfully received...Hopefully, you'll realize the gift i have given you as well, because butterflies usually come in pairs of twos

Mikel Calcagno
